Thursday 14 April 2011

Hello World!

Just a really, really quick hello to say I'm still alive and well! And it's been 3 MONTHS. Wow.
I remember reading through other exchange students' blogs, seeing that they were mostly 'disorganised' and didn't post as often as they said they would or thought they would - always putting it down to busyness and time. I always wondered when this would happen to me... Well, it's happened! It's not about disorganisation or lack of want, but more about being SO TIRED at the end of each day, and always finding something else to do, that by the time you think of writing a blog post, you just want to sleep (like now...!).

Last week was really tough again homesickness-wise and I felt pretty lonely, but I spent the weekend in Salzburg with a bunch of other exchange students which made me feel IMMENSELY better this week. Gah, so much to write about and yet so little time! Days are slowly starting to form a routine and every day I feel a little more like I really belong in this family, which is a wonderful feeling. I've been going to school (which I'll post more about later!! I PROMISE! Really!!) which is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes incredibly boring. My favourite part of each day is coming home to play with the kids, or relax, read, watch a movie, write letters - the usual! I'm going to try really hard to get up another post this week, although tomorrow is the last day of school before the Spring Holidays next week. So who knows how I'll go!

Overall, when tomorrow comes I'm sure it will be ok. I've been reading books out of the Anne of Green Gables series (among German ones too!) - I'm currently up to Anne of Windy Willows/Poplars. Here's a quote:

"The Woman had told her that Tomorrow never comes, but Elizabeth knows better. It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen . . . wonderful things."

I found this to be quite an intriguing quote, because the whole idea of tomorrow never coming had never struck me before! It kind of reminds me that BECAUSE tomorrow will never come, there's no point living for tomorrow and I may as well live for today. An easy concept to say, but these things are always a lot harder in reality! 

Spring fields of green :)

The little Church  ♥ 
[One of the] Road(s) to Hagenbrunn
Nine and I went for a ride to pick up Theo from kindergarten. This town is just down the road from us - Bisamberg

I've left you with a few pictures of my surrounding area with the hope to post more soon! Thank you to everyone for all your patience and understanding. It's a difficult thing to try and juggle my life back at home and my life here at the same time, but I've been trying to make my life here more of a priority. I know it can be frustrating if I only reply to emails weeks later - but that's why my blog's here - to keep you up to date! I try my best!!
Bussi Bussi Bussi

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